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Blog Post

Starting a blog is like putting on a new pair of shoes. Continuing to blog is actually running the marathon.

Fresh Nonfiction: My Lone Day as a Male Model


A collection of creative nonfiction across all forms of media, Fresh Nonfiction covers the embarrassing, awkward, mundane, and meaningful. (And it all actually happened). 

Unfit: My Lone Day as a Male Model

"The post was titled 'Fit Model.' I clicked on it out of equal parts desperation and curiosity  -  I was a few months unemployed and I’d never modeled before. Regarding the latter, this isn’t false modesty. I’d never modeled because, as even my mother could attest, I’m not a model: at the time, I wasn’t in great shape; I wasn’t (and still am not) tall, tan, or tone; and my mug is probably a 6-out-of-10, when the light hits me right..."

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