So, for the job leads, recommendations, sammies, coffee, and support (namely in beers and ears), I want to thank:
Janelle Brown, Chip Browndyke, Linda Butler, Jessica Cafferty, Amanda Cash-Crowley, Chad Connally, Susie Crandlemire, Mark Curtis, Troy Custer, Lacey Daley, Andy Draper, Brian Evancic, Brian "The Rolodex" Escobedo, Jess Flynn, Mike Gerhardt, Beth Goldner, Alex Goochey, Nate Green, Julie Hahn, Brian Harrison, Jesse Huffman, Lisa Jarussi-Smith, Katherine Johnson, Lanee Johnson, Mitch Kuhn, Bob Kustra, Michelle Larson, Morgan Lord, Crissie McDowell, Tom Michael, Billy Mitchell, TJ Pierce, Nate Rowlan, Jay Saenz, Russ Stoddard, Dan Stone, Jamie VanEaton, Renee & Peter Vomocil, Stuart Walsh, Darnell Weightman, Becki Woodbury, Nick Wynkoop, Kurt Zwolfer, and Siggy (x100) and the rest of my family. And, obviously, my new employers over at Boise State Public Radio.
I couldn't have done it without you. Seriously.